Ive read it four times. And i dont typically reread. Very creative and original work Sam. . I have so many questions. Is there a connection between the container names and the octaves on a piano? What the hell is Mr. Noys? Why did you choose Rite of Spring? Really well done. 👹

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Oh my goodness! You really did make my skin crawl! For me, the most effective monster stories are the ones in which you never see the monster, and you did that with such aplomb!

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I love what you did with this. It's so unsettling, and you picked a perfect piece to incorporate - I could hear the music in my head while reading. A first prize well deserved!

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This was genuinely unsettling. I don't get creeped out easily anymore but your story definitely put me in the atmosphere. You've earned a sub. :)

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Aw no, no, no!!!!!!!!!! It just keeps getting worse. It's bad enough to have a delinquent and painfully slow AI companion. But seriously...bats in space...And Mr. Noys🤡 with a name like a fun-loving clown! (fun as defined by his own sociopathic neurosis). Then Fyodor is mute...clapping madly but there are silent rests between those clap beats... and then... I can't stop the cringe feeling... HEEEELLLLPPP! 🎼🎶🎵🎙👌

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Brilliant work, Sam. I really enjoyed this atmospheric piece. Creepy AF.

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Congrats on the winning entry! Your story truly was magnificent. Loved everything about the atmosphere, the monster and your writing style.

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